Quantum Scanning for Pets
Session Length: 60 minutes
Price: $129
The specific condition of an animal’s body is reflected in the electromagnetic wave signals it emits. These signals vary under different human body conditions, such as health, sub-health, or disease. Identifying these unique electromagnetic wave signals allows us to ascertain the overall state of the body.
Quantum medicine posits that the fundamental cause of illness lies in the alteration of electron rotation outside the atomic nucleus and changes in orbit. This leads to modifications in the atoms comprising a substance, affecting small and large biomolecules, cells, and eventually, entire organs. Electrons, being charged bodies, emit electromagnetic waves when their spin or orbit changes. The energy of these electromagnetic waves, resulting from shifts in the body due to disease or changes in nutritional status, is extremely faint, typically ranging from nano gauss to microgauss.
To assess health, the instrument compares the frequency and energy of the weak magnetic field emitted by the hair directly or through a sensor with the predetermined standard disease quantum resonance spectra and nutritional indicators. After amplification by the instrument and processing by the computer, a corresponding quantum value is generated, ranging from negative to positive.